Twenty-five years ago, the Rivers of America at Disneyland® Park became the stage for the colorful tableau of Mickey Mouse’s imagination with the opening of the classic nighttime spectacular, “Fantasmic!” When it returns to Disneyland Park this summer, “Fantasmic!” will still be the treasured Disneyland Park experience Guests have loved for 25 years – complete with its original fanfare and theme song – but all taken to brilliant new heights!
Upon its return, “Fantasmic!” will feature new magic, including new mist screens that will combine with innovative, state-of-the-art projection technology for brighter and more vibrant visuals than ever before. The show will also feature new scenes inspired by Disney animated classics such as “Aladdin”; one of the dazzling new scenes finds Aladdin and Jasmine floating over a bed of fog on their flying carpet during “A Whole New World.”
We’ll have more to share on this returning classic soon – including an opening date – so stay tuned to Disney Travel News!