Announcing the Walt Disney Family Museum’s New Website

The Walt Disney Family Museum is proud to announce a completely reimagined website at, launching in celebration of Walt Disney’s birthday.

The museum’s Board and staff have collaborated with the Presidio-based agency Swirl, Inc. to bring you a vastly enhanced website experience. The site includes many new features, including an innovative multimedia section on Walt Disney, and showcases an enticing virtual preview of the museum’s galleries. The website provides content-rich, interactive resources for students, historians, and Disney fans around the world. Viewers can visit the site to learn more about Walt Disney, Diane Disney Miller, and their family legacy, and discover their own creative inspiration in Walt Disney’s story.

Please, come take a look—explore, discover, imagine, and find inspiration at the Continue the celebration of Walt’s birthday at the museum, offering free admission to all on the eve of Walt’s birthday, Friday, December 4. Limited capacity; tickets issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Additional paid exhibition ticket required for Disney and Dali: Architects of the Imagination.

If you don’t see the new website right away, please clear your browser’s cache. Some systems may take up to 48-hours to show the new website.

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