A Look at Journey Into Imagination With Figment by Stacy Degaro

“One little spark of inspiration, Is at the heart of all creation. Right at the start of everything that’s new, One little spark lights up for you.”


Journey Into Imagination with Figment is a ride to enjoy for those of all ages. This slow moving ride follows Figment, a purple dragon on a whimsical ride through the Imagination Institute. Dr. Nigel Channing, the chairman of the institute sets out to prove how the 5 senses (sound, sight, smell, touch and taste) capture the imagination. The questions is, is this ride enjoyable for all ages? YES IT IS!

  • This ride has no height requirement and is accessible for anyone who would like to ride it. For those little ones in your group this ride offers a slow seated ride with a amusing, singing mascot. Little ones are able to see everything with no one blocking their view because it is all right in front of you with the cars moving to allow riders to see all that is there.
  • For those in the party that may be at the age to think this ride is “uncool”, they are wrong. Not only does it provide a little education through learning about the 5 senses, but it also has a catchy tune that will most likely be stuck in their head for the rest of the day.
  • Of course we cannot forget about the older crowd when it comes to this ride. This slow moving ride allows for a little rest and air conditioning to cool off during those hot days here in Central Florida. Many individuals may also remember Figment from the 1980’s when he starred in a similar ride with the Dream Catcher.
  • After you take a ride with Figment through the Imagination Institute, you exit into the creative lab where there are activities for everyone to experience.

“Imagination, imagination. A dream can be a dream come true, With just that spark in me and you.
memories to last a lifetime.

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